qualified talents

Our global African talent pool is made up of great individuals ready to work remotely. We are happy to introduce our las...

Gig Economy

The rise of freelancing and remote job platforms stand out as a glimpse into the future of the world of work. The gig ...

starup grind event

We are pleased to organise with Startup Grind Mauritius a webinar on Human Capital Development in Africa. Yousouf...


Created in 2018, Talenteum is today’s first social Bridging web platform. Its mission is to provide its partners f...


Talenteum.africa is proud to be one of the winners of the "Challenge des 1000" organized by the 28th Summ...


Technology has demonstrated the ability to scale access to finance in Africa. This content is pulled from the Mastercar...

online training

Close Skills Gaps to Prepare Africa’s Workforce for Tomorrow’s Jobs is the Key  Education is a topic...


The new working culture; worldwide distributed workforce and the concept of remote working   In this new era of...