Discover our White Paper on A.I on remote work for migrants

Let’s explore how Artificial Intelligence isn't just shaping the future of work but becoming a powerful force ...

10 reasons why European companies are hiring Software Developers in Africa

In recent years, European companies have been increasingly looking to Africa as a prime destination for hiring software ...

An eco-responsible alternative to improve your CSR Scoring

The importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is growing all the time. Companies are constantly looking for wa...

The 1st social bridging to be ranked among the 100 fastest companies in Africa

We are honored to have been ranked among the 100 fastest companies in Africa in 2023 by Financial Times. As an HR fintec...

Africa, huge pool of Freelancers ready to work remotely

While digital is exploding all over the world, Africa is also jumping on the trend, as illustrated by the growth of free...


Created in 2018, Talenteum is today’s first social Bridging web platform. Its mission is to provide its partners f...

Talenteum Tribe

Interview from Ian Kamanu Wanjohi , marketing coordinator @ Talenteum is the ultimate remote work po...


As the number of COVID-19 cases in Africa rise, we are facing an unprecedented employment and recruitment crisis. Many p...